Fast complimentary expedited shipping within Canada with Canada Post or Purolator when you spend $250. If your order is under $250 there is a $10 flat rate for shipping within Canada. Orders are processed and shipped within 2 business days. Shipping times vary by region and range from 1 - 7 business days within Canada.
We offer several great shipping options around the world. Simply begin the checkout process to display options and pricing to your location with no credit card information required. Please remember that you are responsible for any customs, duties, or taxes required by the destination country in addition to shipping charges. We conveniently offer a flat rate shipping of $40 CDN for international orders with Canada Post or DHL.
If you would like to exchange your shoes for another size or style, you may return your product within 30 days of placing your order by sending it back via post. Please check with us first to ensure we have the size you want in stock. If your shoes are received more than 30 days after your order we will not be able to exchange them and you will be responsible for return shipping. Your shoes must be in original and unworn condition, with the original box in new condition. Your shoes can only be exchanged once.
Email and we will help you get the right fit!
We do not accept exchanges on final sale items and international orders. You are responsible for shipping, customs and/or duties that are incurred. We do not accept US exchanges via FedEx.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return your shoes within 14 days of receiving your order by sending it back only after receiving pre-authorization. Your return should be received to our return centre within 14 days of you receiving them. Your shoes must be in original and unworn condition, with the original box and packaging in new condition.
Please email prior to sending back your shoes to confirm that they are eligible for return. We will give you a confirmation number to ensure a seamless return. Please note that your return will not be processed if it hasn't been confirmed.
We do not accept returns or refund previously exchanged shoes, bags, US orders and international orders and shipments.
Please note that returns are not prepaid, the customer is responsible for return shipping. With bags, sales, discounted orders or shoes that have already been exchanged once, returns and refunds are not permitted.
Please note that for all shipments, we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages.
dr LIZA is not responsible for duties and fees mandated by customs and can not ship out replacement packages.
Please also be aware that in the event that a delivery address is submitted incorrectly or mistyped when an order is placed, dr LIZA assumes no responsibility. We will work to get the package to you, though an address error can incur a turnaround time of up to 3 weeks. If this occurs and we have to re-ship your order, you will not be eligible for an exchange.
We do not accept returns or exchanges on international orders and shipments.